Peace Achieved by Walking on Eggshells is Not Peace At All

These women are walking gingerly on the proverbial eggshells all DV survivors talk about and teaching their children to walk on them too.  They are trying to protect their kids from direct violence and from witnessing violence.  They are trying desperately to keep the peace.   

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Infidelity Week and The Other Woman

The Other Woman IS an Adulterous Harlot…even if he marries her…even if he wants you and your children to “respect” her…even if all your “friends” decide to embrace them as a couple. 

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Infidelity Week and STD's...

You are no longer the two who have become one.  You are not on the same team.  He is willing to bring others, anything attached to them, and any disease they carry into your circle. You trust the sacredness and the exclusivity of your marital bed but he is willing (unbeknownst to you) to bring another woman or women into that bond and expose you to disease and potentially death (HIV/AIDS). 

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Infidelity Week - A Teen Perspective

This week I will be posting information about infidelity.  I am sharing this with permission from a teen who has experienced the destruction of her family on the condition that a few words are changed to make it anonymous.  Rarely will you have a glimpse into what your children really feel (even as teens or young adults) when their world as they knew it falls apart.)  Here it is: 

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