Welcome to the Path to Wholeness...

Who better to help you find the path out of the forest when you have lost your way and don't know where to turn, than one who has found the way out and achieved freedom? 

The blog posts, articles and resources are shared here to help you navigate the often treacherous path from an abusive marriage to freedom.   Shepiphany, Inc. specializes in leading women out of the bondage of domestic abuse--offering help and hope to those affected.  Your life does not have to be lived this way; you do not have to die this way. 

 If you are not in an abusive situation, statistics ensure you know someone who is (whether or not that is a fact they have shared with you.)  Domestic Abuse is one of the largest health problems affecting women.  The current statistics are 1 in 3 women will experience some form of domestic abuse in her lifetime.  Most suffer silently…embarrassed to pursue help. 

PLEASE SHARE MY POSTS AND FACEBOOK PAGE WITH YOUR FRIENDS.  You have many friends I don’t know.  Each of them has friends you don’t know.  If we do the math, the odds are great that there are people on each of our Facebook "friend lists" suffering domestic abuse in silence.  Please help me set as many women as possible free from misery and danger!

Please join in the conversation.  Your comments are welcome but please be respectful of just how hard it is for a woman in this situation to gather the courage to leave her abuser often with no money and nowhere to go.  To that end, please do not leave unkind or pharisaical comments (those comments are the only comments that will be deleted.)  My purpose is to heal women--not cause them further harm.