Oh yeah...NOTHING! Domestic Violence #DV destroys families. It destroys the lives of women who are hurt physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially by the men they trusted and loved. Even worse, because they didn't choose their mom or her partner, #DV destroys the lives of the children who witness it. They are highly likely to have psychological problems--including #PTSD, lower IQ scores, difficulty learning, and premature aging. Statistics show they are physically abused or seriously neglected at a rate 1500% higher than the national average, 6 times more likely to commit suicide, 50 times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, 74% more likely to commit a violent crime against someone else, and 3 times more likely to repeat the cycle in adulthood, according to the Childhood Domestic Violence Association.
Are you laughing yet? Neither am I. Evidently, though, the Fly Lady of flylady.net is. She posted to her large and faithful audience the following video: https://www.facebook.com/everyonesapostolic/videos/vb.244032466401/10153207834316402/?type=2&theater.
It's not funny to suggest to a woman she should be careful when her husband comes home in the evening because he will have "used up all his words" and would then have to hit her. Many women try to "be careful" every time they interact with their husband. They walk on eggshells in and out of his presence--it's not a game and it's certainly not funny.
Until Christians understand the devastation #DV causes, it's prevalence in today's society, and the fact that it is alive and well in the church...and MOST IMPORTANTLY, until it is properly addressed from the pulpit, we will see it made light of by those unaffected.
How will this change? Only by people who are unaffected personally by #Domestic Violence taking it up as their cause celebre or "outreach of the moment," just as those unaffected personally by human trafficking or homelessness have taken those causes upon themselves as their reasonable Christian service and are out there trying to make a difference.
Until then, educate yourselves regarding #DV. Include it in your conversations. Include it in your sermons. When you...the general public, keep the subject more quiet, unspoken, and taboo than the victims; you add to their marginalization and victimization.
Let's only laugh at things that are funny. Sometimes you just have to shed a tear.